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About this website

Welcome to this new website which will inshaaAllah help younger and older people to learn the basics of Islam in a simple and user- friendly way. This site is mainly for parents who wish to learn about Islam themselves and who also wish to have kids-friendly material teach their children with.

Quick overview of Islam

Islam is the religion of tawheed – which refers to a person  directing all their acts of worship to the One True God, the One who created us  and gives us food and provision, gives life and causes death and controls everything that takes place.

This One True God is called “Allah”.

Muslims believe that Allah sent prophets and messengers to mankind to teach  them about their Lord and to guide them to doing everything that would benefit them and steer them away from everything that would harm them.

All the prophets and messengers came to teach the people tawheed.

The final Prophet was a man called Muhammad (may peace and perfect security be upon him). With his coming, the Prophethood was sealed and completed. There are no new Prophets to come after him.

His Religion is called Islam.

He taught, and was supported by, those who accepted his call. These Muslims were called the Sahaabah (Companions). It is their understanding of the Religion of Islam that is the correct one. Muhammad (may peace and perfect security be upon him) attested to this. All Muslims after them must refer back to their understanding of what their teacher taught them.

The Companions in turn taught their students about Islam and they taught their students, and so on.

The first three generations of Muslims are given a special status in Islam as they were mentioned particularly by Muhammad (may peace and perfect security be upon him) as being the best of generations. For Muslims, these three generations are known as our salaf.

It is their beliefs, their understanding and their practices that we look to to help us understand how we should practise Islam - not least in a time where many Muslims have differing and contradictory ideas about what Islam is. And of these three earliest generations, the most excellent and most virtuous was the first generation - the Sahaabah.

About us and our aims

On this website, we will be discussing what Muslims believe about Allah and how they put into practice their religion.

The two sections dealing with basic beliefs and teaching young children contain simple material which I put together myself to help tell family and friends about Islam because despite speaking to close friends such as Abu Talhah Dawud Burbank, I was finding it difficult to source user friendly simple Islamic material for beginners in the English language.

The other sections on this website are direct translations of the words of some of the scholars of Islam.

The website is constantly being updated inshaaAllah so please keep coming back to see what is new!

I hope that you will find this website easy to use and beneficial to read.

I wish to express my thanks to Umm Zaynab Aalia bint Ehsanullah for her invaluable help in putting this together.

All of us know that we must face death at some point in our lives - so we ask  Allah to give us all guidance to do those things that will make us successful in  this world and in the world that we will enter after we die.

Nasser ibn Najam - The author/translator of the contents of this website, unless otherwise stated